For someone to be pro-life means he or she supports and believes in the right to life of all people, regardless of their connection to society. In support of such a belief a person can offer prayers and sacrifices.

Being pro-life means believing that every person’s life should be respected and not treated like an animal’s. The reason for this belief is that the man is above the animal, both in nature and purpose. By nature, man is directed by his intellect and will, whereas the animal is led only by its instincts. In his purpose, man differs from the animal in his end: although man is destined for everlasting life after death, the animal’s destiny ends after it dies, as it has no purpose in life but to follow its instinct. Therefore, the life of a human being must not be disposed of or cut off like the animal’s, be it to relieve the person of pain, or to satisfy the interests of any person or society. For society was meant for man, not man for society, and thus, even for the sake of the latter, man should not be treated like an animal.

Since the human life is so precious, it must be respected at every phase in life. Even a child just conceived within its mother’s womb should be respected as a person whose right to life does not belong in its mother’s hands, but in God’s. For no one could ever bestow the gift of life except God, and thus, as one cannot bestow that which one does not possess, the child’s right to life does not originate with the mother or any other person, but God. Therefore, neither should someone be considered un-valuable for any reason whatsoever. Instead, we must do our utmost to support the right to life of all people, from conception to natural death.

Some of the things that one can offer in support of the right to life would be to pray for the lives of the victimized, and to offer sacrifices both material and spiritual for them. In prayer one may ask God not only to spare the lives of the unborn and afflicted, but to change the hearts of those that oppress them. In the offering of sacrifices, one can give materially of himself in donations to pro-life clinics and churches. Spiritually, they can give of themselves in everyday sacrifices, to offer some of their own hardship to assuage the affliction of others.

In these ways can people support the right to life by their actions, thus giving force to what they believe in their hearts.