What does it mean to be pro-life, and what do we do to protect the unborn? The value of life, especially unborn lives, is valued by God. Jesus pronounced in Mark 9:37, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me, but the one who sent me.” God gives us children because He has a great love for them. He wants to share this Joy with us as a gift; when we look at His precious gift as a burden and decide to reject it, God is heartbroken.

Every man and woman has the right to life at conception, and all members of the human race are equal. As Mother Teresa says, “Abortion kills twice, it kills the body of the baby, and the conscience of the mother.” When abortion is a case of life or death for the mother, remember, God has a plan for the mother and the infant. God didn't give her a child so she could abort it. Abortion is killing the future generation, the people who are supposed to take the place of the doctor, police, and maybe the bishop or governor. We do not know what God had planned for these dear infants, but we do know it was something amazing.

People who are pro-life don’t just respect the dignity of only infants, but everyone at every stage of life. As Timothy 5:1-3 says, “Never speak sharply to a man older than yourself, but appeal to him as you would to your father; treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers and young women as sisters with all propriety.” Being pro-life also means respecting our elders, our parents, and grandparents, the people who worked so hard to make life better for us; they had a life taking care of us, and now it is time for us to take care of them.

“How can I be actively pro-life?” I cannot express more to pray the rosary; there have been so many lives that have been saved from people praying their rosary for the end to abortion and the conversion of the world. We can also help collect baby blankets, bibs, and burp cloths and send them to your closest pro-life foundation. You could bring a ready-made meal or a bouquet to an elderly person. You could visit a nursing home to give company to those who are completely alone.

All life is valued by God, regardless of age. Being pro-life means more than just protecting the unborn lives, it means respecting all stages of life, with dignity. We need to pray the rosary for the end to Abortion and the Start to Conversion of the world. As St John Paul II said, “Never tire of firmly speaking out in defense of life from conception and do not be deterred from the commitment to defend the dignity of every human person with courageous determination. Christ is with you: be not afraid!”