Why do I respect life? God created us with an eternal soul, worthy of dignity and respect at every stage of life. I respect life because it’s not just about abortion, although that is an important problem our world faces. Respecting life means seeing the body as a temple of God and treating it likewise. Every day that we live, and every breath that we take, should be filled with love and respect for others. God gave us the gift of others because He loves us and doesn’t want us to be alone. That is why I respect life and want us all to work towards celebrating life in all stages. Respecting life means being pro life and supporting the right to life.

What does it mean to be pro life? The Merriam Webster defines “pro-life” as “opposed to abortion.” Although that is true, that is a very simplistic explanation. Pro life means whether you're in the womb, a newborn baby, an elderly person, or a person with disabilities and special needs, your life matters. If you are human, you deserve fundamental human rights. At its core, the pro life movement is about the value and equality of all human beings. In short pro life is the belief that all human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development, education, and degree of dependency. That is what it means to be pro life.

How do we support the right to life in our current culture? One way we can support the right to life is to pray for life. If you have an abortion clinic near you, praying in front of one is a really good way, and if not, you can always pray at home. Even just a simple decade of the rosary helps. Another good way is becoming a local activist, joining up with groups like Students for Life America or National Right to Life Committee. Both of these are great ways to support the right to life.

I respect life because no matter your age, size, gender, abilities, location, level of development, education, or race everyone should be treated equally. Our bodies are temples of God and we need to honor our bodies and those of others. Respecting life begins with conception and ends with a natural death. I believe all human life, born or unborn, has value. It is time we all start respecting and protecting it.