"Three elements make up the Liturgy: (1) the Eucharist, . . . (2) the sacraments, and (3) the Divine Office . . ." (Faith and Life, Book 8, p. 55). The Eucharist is set apart, distinguished, placed higher than the other sacraments. It is called the "source and summit of Christian life"(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1324). Why? First, it will be explained why the Eucharist is called the source; second, why It is called the summit; third, we shall see how this affects our life as Catholic Christians.

The Eucharist, being a sacrament, is a channel of God's grace, but It is more than that as well. It is God Himself. As Jesus said at the Last Supper, ". . . [T]his is my body" (Lk. 22:19). From God all things borrow their existence (Cf. C.C.C. 213). Without Him, we would have no physical life, and no possibility of spiritual life either. From Him flow the Church in which we live and her sacraments. He established His Church firmly upon rock (Cf. Mt. 16:18) and gave her the sacraments to keep her close to him.

The Church's mission is to lead all people to Heaven (Cf. C.C.C. 824), eternal joy with God. Every time we receive Him in the Eucharist, Jesus brings us closer to Himself. In the Mass, the perfect act of worship, we honor Jesus in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the culmination of worship and joy.

As Catholics, the realization of these aspects of Jesus in the Eucharist should have a noticeable impact on our lives. We go to Mass every Sunday to welcome Him into our very being, but we need to make sure that we are ready for Him. None of us are perfect, but certainly no mortal sin should be on our souls. Venial sin is healed by this wondrous Gift, and our response is jubilant thanksgiving.

The Church springs from Jesus' Eucharistic Heart and is leading us back to Him. We respect Jesus in the Eucharist and embrace Him with reverence. And so, it makes sense to call the Eucharist the source, summit and joy of Christian life.


Catechism of the Catholic Church. New York: Doubleday, 1997. Print.

New American Bible. New Jersey: Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 2010. Print.

Our Life in the Church. Faith and Life Series. 8. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2008. Print.