God’s Perfect Image
Of all the titles attributed to our Blessed Mother, “Mirror of Justice” is perhaps one of the most intricate. This title shows us not only Mary’s role in the Church, but shows the depth that is her. “Mirror of Justice” beautifully describes Mary’s relationship with the Father as His perfect image and creation.
As humans, we are gifted the dignity of being made in God’s image. In the book of Genesis it is revealed: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). However, this image is imperfect as man’s nature is stained by original sin. Original sin prevents us from being in perfect union with our creator; creator and created are separated. Nevertheless, through the Immaculate Conception, Mary was protected from original sin and became a perfect image of her creator. Thus, Mary can be seen as a mirror of God, perfectly reflecting His love and goodness. Mary’s role as a mirror is foretold in the book of Wisdom: “For [wisdom] is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working God, and an image of His goodness” (Wisdom 7:26). This verse applies perfectly to Mary, as another title of Mary is “Seat of Wisdom”.
Mary’s greatest privilege was that of carrying the Lord in her womb. As the Mother of God, He cannot only be seen in her, He came of her. Through the Incarnation, God became man and raised humanity to the greatest dignity possible. God is reflected in Mary, and through this perfect reflection she bore His only son.
Even though Mary was a perfect image of God, they were still physically separated. After Mary’s life on Earth came to a close, God raised her body and soul to Heaven at the Assumption. Image and creator were reunited at last. This is fitting, as God could not have allowed His perfect image to die a mortal death. Thus, through her Immaculate Conception, Assumption, and her Son’s Incarnation, Mary became God’s perfect mirror.
Examining Mary’s title once more, we see that she is the “Mirror of Justice”. Why justice? Any virtue could be applied to Mary and would befit her. However, justice has a special correlation to Mary as a mirror. Christ defines the meaning of justice in the Beatitudes when He says: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6). God is all-just, and Mary as His image shares in this justice.
However, Mary’s title of “Mirror of Justice” goes deeper than this. The book of Proverbs tells us that “When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but a dismay to evildoers” (Proverbs 21:15). This fits in perfectly with what we know about Mary. She crushed the head of the serpent with her fiat and brought the devil’s undoing into the world. Mary is the perfect example of a “dismay to evildoers”.
Mary as the “Mirror of Justice” also speaks to her role in salvation. Man, by turning away from God, created a debt which cried out for justice. By bringing Christ into the world, Mary made possible the ultimate act of justice: that of the cross.
Lastly, “Mirror of Justice” explains Mary’s role in the Church. As the “Mirror of Justice”, she reflects God and His justice and thus sets a perfect example for us. God has given us His image, and we must train our hearts and minds to be like hers. Our Lord has constantly reminded us that the surest way to Him is through His Mother. Many saints have achieved sainthood by modeling themselves after her. One such example is St. Louis de Montfort and his renowned consecration, “To Jesus through Mary”.
Finally, “Mirror of Justice” establishes Mary as our protector. When Christ entrusted us to His mother, He placed us under her protection thenceforward. Through her Son, Mary delivers perfect justice to all evils that dare contend with her.
Thus, we can see that Mary’s title of “Mirror of Justice” beautifully describes her deep and intimate relationship with God and her role within the Church. She can be seen as His perfect reflection, the terror of evildoers, and the perfect example for mankind. Mary truly is the “Mirror of Justice”: she reflects God’s love, brought Him to us and constantly brings us to Him, and repels any and all evils that risk harming her beloved children.