Congratulations to the twelve MODG students who placed within the top 5% of CLT 10 scorers in their geographic region in 2022!
Maria Burkhalter
Dominic Catalano
Joseph Dudash
Alexander Ganahl
Elena Hughes
Benedict Klein
Joachim Lashutka
Thomas Lopez
JohnPaul Pascale
Mikayla Pipes
Mary Puschmann
Trevor Spears
In addition, both Mikayla Pipes and Mary Puschmann were named National Award Recipients, for they both were in the top fifty scorers across the country! Each award recipient receives a $2500 scholarship to any CLT partner college. Congratulations, Mikayla and Mary!
Enrolled MODG students can sign up for the 9/27-9/28 CLT 10 on the Family Site now!