We hope you all are staying cool during the recent heat! Summer is flying by, and we wanted to remind you that Parent Class Registration is open! We have some excellent courses this year for you, related both to our curricula specifically, and general Catholic doctrine.
De Anima for Parents
- Laura Berquist will be leading parents through Book III De Anima by Aristotle. Class will begin with an review of Books I & II
- When: Wednesdays at 4-5:15 PM Pacific Time from September to May.
- Cost $260 for the year
Medieval History and Literature
- Margaret Hayden leads parents through the Medieval History syllabus used in 11th grade. Class discussion delves into kingship in the middle ages, the Inquisition, and the Reformation. Parents will not be assigned papers, but will discuss the topics in class to help their students write the papers at home.
- History of the English Speaking Peoples by Churchill, The History of Medieval Spain by J. O’Callaghan, and other required books (see syllabus book list)
- When: Mondays at 3:30-4:30 PM Pacific Time from September to May.
- Cost: $260.00
- Join Laura Berquist in discovering eleven papal encyclicals/documents. Participants will read an encyclical each month and join classmates and Laura in discussing what the popes have to say to our modern time and how we can apply their wisdom in our lives. The following encyclicals will be read this year. Mirae Caritatis by Leo XIII (1902); Dominicae Canae by St. John Paul II (1980); Ecclesia de Eucharistia (On the Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church) by John Paul II (2003); Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by Brant Petri (200 pages); St. Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharist, Summa Part III, Questions 73-83
- Need: Papal Encyclicals: can be found online for free.
- When: 2nd Thursday of the month, at 4-6 PM Pacific Time from September to May.
Cost: $130
Writing Road to Reading with Cyndi Montanaro
- This class will begin with a four week summer intenstive class in the Writing Road method, followed by recorded support to be used throughout the year. The class may be used for a parent new to Romalda Spaldng's classic program, The Writing Road to Reading, but it will also work excellently as a refresher course for those who have taught with this method in the past. The class will help the parent learn to use this program to effectively teach spelling, phonetics, early grammar, reading and writing. Mrs. Montanaro has taught six of her own children using the program, and has used it remedially to aid high school students weak in spelling and reading. She has also taught many mothers to effectively use the program in a one day seminar setting but she has found that for some, a more gradual introduction is beneficial.
- The class will begin with four intensive, two hour sessions during the summer, giving parents a basic overview of the program. In addition, parents will be provided with a flexible syllabus, and a set of recordings describing how to teach various rules and concepts, to be used as students reach different points in the syllabus. This information will include such things as how to teach the phonograms to your children, how to dictate words to them, how to use the Spalding marking system, when and how to teach the spelling rules and how to balance multiple students. The program can be taught to children as young as first grade, and remedially to poor high school spellers. Mrs. Montanaro will also be available by email throughout the year to answer specific questions that may come up. The recordings will be available throughout the year, and may be listened to as often as needed. Recordings of the initial, live classes will also be available for review throughout the year.
- When: July 31st, August 7th, 14th, 21st at 10-12 AM Pacific Time plus recordings throughout the year.
- Cost: $130