We wanted to let you know that our Writing Seminar series will be starting back up soon! These writing seminars give practical tips on the key writing skills for specific grade levels. Each seminar will tackle particular papers that students will find in the semester's assignments, and will also give tips for connecting reading and writing, time management, as well as keys to avoiding plagiarism. Each seminar is $35 to attend, and you are able to register under Seasonal Workshops, via your Family Site Page. Please see more details below, and feel free to email us if you have any questions at all!
Second Semester
9th Grade Writing Seminar
Date: 1/31
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM Pacific Time
Content: This seminar will concentrate on solidifying Summarization, particularly in writing a book report, and will also begin Point of View. The seminar will also focus on papers for Weeks 17-32 in the following subjects: U.S. History and Literature, Earth Science, and Faith and Morality.
10th Grade Writing Seminar
Date: 1/31
Time: 2 - 4 PM Pacific Time
Content: This seminar will concentrate more on connecting reading with writing, in order to use textual evidence well and substantiate opinions for the Point of View Skill. It will also review good summarization skills, and give helpful tips for timed essays. The seminar will also focus on papers for Weeks 17-32 in the following subjects: Ancient History and Literature, Sacraments and Apologetics, and lab reports for Natural Science.
11th & 12th Grade Writing Seminar
Date: 2/7
Time: 2 - 4 PM Pacific Time
Content: This seminar will continue to concentrate on argument and analysis. The seminar will also focus on papers for Weeks 17-32 in the following subjects: Government and History/Literature classes, Literary Analysis, Catholic Doctrine, and Health.