Dear MODG Families,
In this difficult time the Body of Christ should work together. We need to petition God for mercy.
Let’s join the whole Cloud of Witnesses, the whole Mystical Body, in asking God for help. At the end of his Wednesday Audience, Pope Francis urged the Catholic World to join with the Italian Bishops' initiative to say the Luminous Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary on Thursday, March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph, Protector and Patron of the Catholic Church. They have set a time of 9 pm local Italian time. For the United States that is 1 pm PT and 4 pm ET.
Of course, you can say the Rosary at another time, and you can say another set of Mysteries, but I think the idea of joining together to petition the Blessed Mother for help, on the Feast of her husband, St. Joseph, is an extraordinarily good idea.
Please join the MODG Staff, Administration, and Families in saying the Rosary and asking God, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, to change this difficult situation so that we can again receive the Sacraments. We will hope to live-stream our office praying the Rosary at this time on social media, and will share that information with you when it is available.
With love,
Laura Berquist, Founder
Mother of Divine Grace School