Dear families,
First let me say that during these troubling times all of our Mother of Divine Grace families, past and present, have been in my thoughts and prayers.

Millions of children have suddenly become homeschoolers, and many of our families are being turned to as leaders in this field. It is my hope that through all of this, many families will come to see the benefits of homeschooling and that teaching one’s children, while challenging, is a rewarding fulfillment of a parent’s vocation.
Unfortunately we have also begun to see the negative impact this pandemic is having on many people. I have been working closely with many families in the past few weeks who have suddenly found themselves in dire financial situations. In some cases it has been the sudden loss of a job, and in others the family is struggling through a severe medical crisis.
While this is a troubling time with much uncertainty, we are provided with an opportunity to come together as a community and make a difference. I would like to ask on behalf of these families in need, if you could consider making a gift to help them through this difficult time.

Because we are a non-profit, your gift is tax deductible. But more importantly, you will be bringing hope and community to families during this time of “social distancing”. Our community has always been one of distance, and this is a chance to prove that that doesn’t mean we are not still Christians!
Please keep in mind that any gift goes a long way! A gift of $100 can make a significant difference for many of these families. A large gift of $500 - $1000 could sponsor an entire family!
I want to be clear, too, that any gift made will be assigned to a specific family in need right now. In all cases so far the families have given me permission to share with benefactors the details of their hardship and how your generosity will impact them. If you can make a gift, we will reach out to let you know who and how you helped.
Above all, please keep all of our Mother of Divine Grace community in your prayers, and be assured of ours for all of you!
Yours in Christ,
Paul Lazenby