Dear families,
I pray all of you are well, as we come to a close of this school year. It has presented many unique challenges and has certainly been a historic year for homeschooling! With all that has been going on, we have seen record numbers of families turning to Mother of Divine Grace to bring Catholic, classical education to their children. At the time of writing this, new family enrollment in MODG is up 80%.
I know that many of you look forward each year to summer homeschool conferences as a chance to hear speakers, engage with other homeschooling families, and to rekindle your love of your vocation to home education!
Although many of these conferences have been cancelled this year, I wanted to make you aware of a free virtual conference, the Catholic Homeschool Conference, which will take place June 25th-27th.
You’ll recognize the names of many nationally-known Catholic speakers in the lineup, including our own Laura Berquist, who will be speaking at 7:30 AM Pacific time on Saturday, June 27th! MODG will also have an Exhibitor page, which will feature some video interviews with members of our school put together specifically for this conference. If you have friends that are interested in an overview of our school, feel free to share with them!
We know this won’t replace the camaraderie of in-person conferences, but we are so glad that our families are able to still participate in some way with their homeschooling peers, to learn more about this great vocation to which we are called!
God bless,
Paul Lazenby
Mother of Divine Grace School