Dear Friends,
I am so pleased to introduce to you the new Mother of Divine Grace School “Light of the Faith Series: Catholic Formation for Classical Educators”.
One of the goals of MODG has always been formation, primarily the formation of the enrolled children, but also Catholic and classical formation for our enrolled families as a whole. We are so happy to be able to offer a new series of talks that will be part of that formation goal.
All presentations are on Thursdays at 4 pm PT. They will be approximately 45 minutes with some time for questions afterwards.
See the full schedule below. If you are unable to attend live, the talks will be recorded and made available afterwards. Go here for webinar recordings on our Parent Enrichment Page.
Nov. 19: Fr. Thomas Dome, a member of the MODG Board of Governors, will talk about the vocation of the laity.
Dec. 3: Donna Steichen, author of Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism and Chosen: How Christ Sent Twenty-Three Surprised Converts to Replant His Vineyard, (and also my mother) will talk about the role of women in today’s world.
Jan. 7: Laura Berquist, Founder of MODG, author of Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum and The Harp and Laurel Wreath, will talk about Classical Education: Ordered Toward Eternal Life.
Jan. 28: James Berquist, whose doctoral dissertation in Philosophy is about Natural Law, will talk about Natural Law and the Common Good, and current applications of these.
Feb. 25: Dr. John Francis Nieto, a tutor at Thomas Aquinas College, will talk to us about Truth and Lying.
Mar. 18: Richard Berquist, working on his doctoral dissertation in Philosophy, will present to us on the order and importance of the philosophical disciplines.
Apr. 22: Dr. Andrew Montanaro, professor at the Christendom Graduate School, will present on the thought of Ben Sira (Sirach) and its application to our lives.
May 20: Dr. Ron McCann, M.D., will present to us on End of Life issues.
In the fall of 2021, we plan to pick up the series again.
I know we all have busy lives and adding in something else is a challenge. But I keep hearing St. John Henry Cardinal Newman’s words, “We must make us new hearts”, so that we are ready to, when the time comes, take up our life in eternity. This world is ordered to, is for the sake of, the next. As I often say, this life is really, really short. And eternity is really, really long. It would be a mistake for us to make decisions based on this life without taking into consideration the part of life that is going to be the largest part of our actual existence. So, I hope you will join me and these wonderful people as they present to our community their thoughts on how the faith can and should form our lives!!
With love,
Laura Berquist
Founder, Mother of Divine Grace School