Maggie at the MODG Class of 2019 Graduation Ceremony

Prayers are requested for Margaret Yanoschik, MODG Class of 2019 and current Thomas Aquinas College sophomore, who experienced a serious brain bleed several days ago. Maggie is currently hospitalized and on a ventilator.

The hospital granted Maggie's family an exception to their no-visitors policy and allowed one member to visit her, hold her hand, and pray with her. “Family members outside the hospital and extended family in other cities prayed aloud via speakerphone and sent her their love,” says David Yanoschik (MODG Class of 2004), Maggie’s brother. The family writes that Maggie "has excellent nurses and looks well-cared for." One nurse keeps assuring Maggie that although her family can't be with her, they are outside praying for her.

"Innocence" by Margaret Yanoschik, 2019 MODG Art Contest

Today Maggie is undergoing the first step in an embolization procedure, in order to reduce blood flow to the damaged vessels.

The Yanoschik family is particularly seeking the intercession of St. Joseph for Maggie’s complete and swift recovery. Please join us in requesting St. Joseph’s aid, especially as we draw near his feast day.

St. Joseph, pray for us!