The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith by Josephine Nobisso is from the MODG 2nd grade recommended book list.
In this beautiful picture book, the author tells a story (based on a true event) to convey the spiritual significance of the Mass to children. An old woman promises to offer a Mass for a baker in exchange for some bread. The heavenly bread of the Eucharist in the Mass, which sustains our souls, is “weighed” against the earthly bread that sustains our bodies. The old woman knew the importance of the heavenly bread, but needed the earthly bread. The baker only saw value in his earthly bread, and needed to see the value of the Bread of Life. At the end of the story, the woman receives what she needs, and the baker realizes what he is lacking.
Recommended by Ellie Yanoschik, MODG Publishing Manager