Our Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Christmas as an octave. That means Christmas itself is 8 days long! And the liturgical season of Christmas extends all the way to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord which falls on Sunday, January 9th this year.

Here are some easy ways to extend your family’s celebration of the birth of the Christ Child:

  • Keep your tree and decorations up until the Baptism of the Lord.
  • Read or recite a Christmas poem every night by your family’s nativity set.
  • And play sacred Christmas music in your home every day!

We are pleased to offer a collection of sacred hymns and chants, performed by Giorgio Navarini and Elizabeth Krestyn for Mother of Divine Grace School. These recordings are simple and beautiful and are great models to help you and your children learn the sacred music of our Catholic Church.

Click here to listen to the sacred Christmas music.

Click here to listen to the full album.

We hope this beautiful music helps your family celebrate the gift of the Christ Child this Christmas!

Nativity by Federico Barocci