We are happy to pass on this information from TAC regarding their upcoming New England Open House Weekend!
We will be hosting an Open House Weekend for high school juniors and seniors on our New England campus on February 17-20. Over the course of the weekend, participants will stay in the residence halls, sit in on classes, meet with students and teaching faculty, and take part in a wide range of fun activities, including a game night. The newly restored swimming pool, gymnasium, and athletic center will also be open.
The weekend will begin on Thursday, February 17 at 4:00 p.m., and it will wrap up with a panel discussion at 12:45 p.m. Sunday, featuring Dean Thomas J. Kaiser, various other College officials, current students, and recent alumni. Parents, siblings, alumni, and friends are more than welcome to join us for the panel discussion, as well as for Mass, which will be offered at 8:00 a.m. (EF) and 11:00 a.m. (OF) in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. Students who care to stay through Monday to visit more classes are certainly welcome to do so!
Those who would like to attend should RSVP via our online form. Please pass along this invitation to anyone you know who may be interested. Thank you so much!
Do not hesitate to call the Admissions Office for further information. You can reach me by email or phone at any time. I would be glad to hear from you.
John Jost
Associate Director of Admissions