Rachel Lang (MODG ’17) was standing in line waiting to walk into her graduation ceremony from Belmont Abbey College last spring when she found out that she had been named valedictorian.
“Being valedictorian was quite a surprise!” she shares. “When they announced my name during the ceremony, it took me a long while to get out of my seat because I thought there must be another Rachel Lang in the class and the award was meant for her.”
Miss Lang also received recognition for her final thesis paper and presentation. Writing on the topic of the human soul and whether it is possible to consider a soul to be male or female, Miss Lang was encouraged by her advisor to submit her article for publication, and is considering this possibility for the future.
Four years at Belmont Abbey provides good perspective on what types of students succeed there, and Miss Lang shares her observations. “Students who foster in themselves a sense of wonder for God and His creation, who have a brightly burning faith, and who are truly desirous for good friendships will do well at BAC. “
In addition, Miss Lang says that “the MODG curriculum is a good taste of and a good preparation for the BAC liberal arts curriculum, and especially for the Honors College curriculum. This Honors College program delves deeply and rigorously into many of the books…that the MODG student has already touched upon in some way. This program helped me to develop acute critical thinking skills as well as confidence in voicing my ideas to peers and professors.”
From studying the wonders of God’s creation to forming solid friendships with peers, professors, and the monks who live on campus, Miss Lang reflects on her time at BAC with gratitude.
“It was a healthy and encouraging environment in which to begin to become the person God intends me to be.”