Hello Families,

Happy New Year!

We are happy to share another article series by MODG Founder, Laura Berquist with everyone. This three-part series is on the topic of homeschooling motivation. Whether you are just beginning homeschooling or years into your journey, you are sure to find some inspiration from Laura's words today. 

"Knowledge is a good in itself, an end, but it is not the ultimate end. Knowledge, like other created goods, is itself ordered to the uncreated good, God Himself."


Click to read:

Motivation: The Key to Homeschooling- Part 1

Motivation: The Key to Homeschooling- Part 2

Motivation: The Key to Homeschooling- Part 3   

We pray these resources bless you and your family in this new year. Please feel free to share these with a friend today!