Br. Chrysostom (Joshua) Sica graduated from Mother of Divine Grace School in 2017. Today Br. Chrysostom OSB is a monk at Belmont Abbey, Our Lady Help of Christians Monastery. The monks serve Belmont Abbey College but their main focus is prayer.
A comment from Br. Chrysostom's mother, "Br. Chrysostom will be attending St. Meinrad's seminary in the fall, of 2024, and receive his final vows as a Benedictine monk in January 2025. The monastery featured him in a YouTube video entitled, 'How the Divine Office and Psalms Led Br. Chrysostom to His Vocation.' We ask for prayers for Br. Chrysostom from the Mother of Divine Grace Community. Br. Chrysostom is grateful for the education he received from MODG. He will eventually be a teaching monk at the college."
Be sure to watch this fantastic video!