Paul Wadleigh, Grade 7: Lego Robotics

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Paul Wadleigh, has participated in Lego FIRST robotics for three years. At this past year's Qualifier on November 9th, his team, the Tule Duck Decoys, earned the Robot Performance Award (295 points), AND the coveted Champion's Award! They went on to compete at the Northern Nevada Championship in December.

Congratulations, Paul!

Maureen Shields, Grade 11: National Classical Voice Competition 

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"This past semester I was selected as one of 15 semifinalists for a national classical voice competition hosted by the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. I attended the auditions in Oberlin (Ohio) at the conservatory. I didn't place finalist, but I was able to attend and participate in several master classes including some hosted by David Oculitch. Also this past Christmas I was a soloist for the Thomas Aquinas College (New England) Christmas Concert singing Qui Respexit from Bach's Magnificat."

Congratulations, Maureen!

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Benedict (Grade 12) and Timonthy (Grade 12) Klein: Oregon Roman Catholic Challenge

"Benedict and Timothy won the RC Challenge competition in Portland, OR again this year! RC (Roman Catholic) Challenge is a sort of Catholic knowledge bowl. Teams of four students compete on a Friday evening and Saturday in a double elimination tournament. Students from grades 5-12 compete in four divisions (Grades 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12). Benedict was the team captain. Teams come from Oregon, Washington, and Canada. There were 36 teams this year, four of which were in Division 4."

Congratulations, Benedict and Timonthy! 

If you are enrolled and would like to share a student or grad accomplishment for a chance to be featured, please submit it via your family site Community Page. You can also email us at Thank you!