Did you catch the final episode of this year's Career Webinar series on Religious Vocations?
Hosted by our Pope Leo XIII Chapter of the NHS and open to all MODG High School Students, last week we were joined by Pater Edmund Waldstein, a Cistercian monk, lecturer in Moral Theology, and director of the János-Brenner-Haus in Austria. Additionally, Fr. Ryan Truss joined us to discuss the vocation of the priesthood. Fr. Truss is a 2011 graduate of Mother of Divine Grace and studied at Thomas Aquinas College in California. We were also joined by a representative from the Nashville Dominican Sisters!
It was a fantastic episode filled with helpful information for high school students considering pursuing a religious vocation!
Check out the recording HERE!
Thank you to all of our panelists and students who joined us this year, we look forward to picking the series back up in the fall!