A recent MODG grad, William Young, shared his appreciation and love for Mother of Divine Grace School in this heartfelt letter to MODG Founder, Laura Berquist.
Dear Mrs. Berquist,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is William Young, and I am a graduating student from Mother of Divine Grace High School. As I conclude my high school years, I cannot help but hold a deep sentiment of gratitude and appreciation for the tremendous benefit the Holy Spirit has rendered me in inspiring you to begin this curriculum. There are few other entities in this world, besides my family and the Church, which have been so formative in molding me into a man after Our Lord's own Heart. So, I am writing to thank you for following the promptings of the Holy Spirit in forming this curriculum, for it has changed my life and the lives of many others in teaching us to know the good, the true, and the beautiful as found in God and His creation.
Through the curriculum of Mother of Divine Grace, I have been trained to recognize the good.
True goodness is found in God Himself, and through all my studies, I learned to see all things through the lens of this ultimate Goodness. As I began my high school studies, I thought education was only a means to a worldly end; a way to gain skills which would be later applied in a career. However, through the Mother of Divine Grace curriculum, I learned that one of the main purposes of an education is to come to know God through His goodness and the goodness of His creation. A true education, such as I have been given by Mother of Divine Grace, is an education which prepares one's intellect and will to know God Himself, who is all good.
Through my high school studies, I have been prepared to know and love all that is true. In today's ever-darkening and relativistic world, the truth is hard to find. Through my education, I have been trained to think critically and discern truth from lie, fact from fiction. I have been prepared to venture out into the world and speak the Truth of Christ, so as to bring all to Him.
And finally, I have been trained to know the beautiful. God is beauty itself, and His world reflects His splendor. By studying God's creation and the ingenuity He has endowed man with, I have come to know true beauty as found in God. One could spend a lifetime contemplating only the material I have covered in high school, and that is nothing compared to the infinite goodness, truth, and beauty of God.
And so, Mrs. Berquist, thank you for starting this curriculum which has allowed me to know God through the aspects of the good, the true, and the beautiful. I can truly say that though my studies, I have been set on the road to heaven so as to enjoy a perfect vision of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My gratitude to you and to the Holy Spirit who has inspired you is great. Please pray for me throughout my life, and know that I will do the same for you. Though we may never meet in time (I hope we do, however), I know we will meet in eternity.
May God bless you!
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
William Young