Our beloved Founder, Laura Berquist, wrote a series of articles on the topic of Working with Resistant Teens. Throughout her years of homeschooling experience, Laura says she has had many conversations with parents when it comes to keeping resistant teens motivated to fulfill their daily studies. It can feel like quite the struggle you aren't sure how to get through.
Follow along with Laura in this four-part series to learn tips for guiding you and your teen to your common goals!
Part 1: How to Work with Resistant Teens-Conversation
Part 2: How to Work with Resistant Teens- Deliberation
Part 3: How to Work with Resistant Teens-Habituation
Part 4: How to Work with Resistant Teens-Rely on Your Teen's Gifts
"Pray for your children. Pray for them specifically, by name, each day. Ask God to enlighten you with respect to each child’s needs. Go to Holy Hour and spend some time thinking about each of your children, talking each one over with God."- Laura Berquist