Recent News and Articles

by Michaela Berquist
by Stephanie Sebastian

MODG graduate shares journey towards religious discernment.

Benedictine College's Homeschool Visit Day is on October 14th, and Megan Fassero, their Homeschool Outreach Coordinator, has some information for our families!

Christendom's Homeschool Visit Day is coming up, and their Director of Admissions, Sam Phillips, has some info for our families!

by Sheila Schofield

As Catholic Christians, we all share in the universal vocation to evangelize and witness to the Truth. For us as parents - and educators, too - our unique contribution to that task of evangelization lies in the formation of the children in our charge – not only by our own witness, but by both the information we impart, and the intellectual formation we give them.

by Robin Callon

When I first started homeschooling I had this vision of what it would be like in my home every day. Serenity was king. Peacefulness reigned. My kids running through a field of daisies like Little House on the Prairie. All of us sitting down quietly on a rainy day to read out loud. The house was always clean, all food homegrown and homemade. I was always calm, that picture of perfect motherhood where all I existed to do was be patient with my children no matter what they did. Well, that vision quickly died a violent death, especially as boys started entering our household.

Emily Bachman shares the touching Pro-Life story of her nephew Mikey and the joy he brings to his family.

by Michaela Berquist

Michaela Berquist gives incredible insights into the import history has on the present moment, specifically focusing on the structure of America and its founding principles of government.

For the 2019-2020 school year, MODG will be offering “Medieval History and Literature” with Margaret Hayden, “Encyclicals” with Laura Berquist, “De Anima Part II” with Laura Berquist, and “The Writing Road to Reading” with Cyndi Montanaro.  These courses are available to all parents, even “De Anima Part II”, which will include a recap of the first two books prior to delving into Book III.

We are very proud to display the results of our Spring 2019 Art Contest. Over 300 students submitted work in a variety of methods. Enjoy browsing these beautiful submissions! You can also view results from our yearly contests for the past decade!