Recent News and Articles

Please read this letter from Steven Hayden, our Executive Director, about our in-person graduation ceremonies.

by Michaela Berquist

Michaela Berquist discusses suffering and grace in the context of the current pandemic.

Laura Berquist wanted to pass on information to our families about this wonderful novena!

We're happy to announce that Fourth Grade Art is now available for purchase. This book focuses on familiarizing the students with the different schools of art. Paintings by American, Dutch, Spanish, British, and French artists are visited. Activities include questions for observation, comparisons, memory games and more!

Please join with us and the Universal Church in praying a Rosary together for intercession during this difficult time.

A note from Laura Berquist regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Our High School Writing Seminars are starting up again, taking place 1/31 and 2/7!

Check out further details on a Family Pilgrimage to the Alps, offered by our friends at ProRome, with exclusive MODG discounts!

Click here to read Laura Berquist's article about MODG's new President, Paul Lazenby.

by Stephanie Sebastian

Sophomore Eva Heroux describes her trip to the Amazon and the Galapagos Islands as a part of National Geographic’s 2019 Student Expedition Scholarship.