Recent News and Articles

by Alexis de Tocqueville

Democracy in America is one of the most important books in our 12th Grade Advanced Government & Economics class.

by Laura Berquist

The foundation - fostering conversations. 

("How to Work with Resistant Teens" - Part 1 of 4)

by Laura Berquist

Communicate your decisions and let them see your reasoning. 

("How to Work with Resistant Teens" - Part 2 of 4)

by Laura Berquist

Help form habits that make good decisions easier. 

("How to Work with Resistant Teens" - Part 3 of 4)

by Laura Berquist

Teens want to share their natural gifts!

("How to Work with Resistant Teens" - Part 4 of 4)

Rachel Lang (MODG '17) named Belmont Abbey College's valedictorian for the Class of 2021. 

by Laura Berquist

Homeschooling multiple grade levels at the same time is no easy task! Laura shares some of her favorite tips for helping the school day go smoothly no matter how many students you have. 

by Owen Wister

The Virginian is a both thought-provoking and entertaining story from MODG’s 9th Grade Literature Curriculum.

by MODG Consultants

Being an educational consultant for MODG is more than a job. It is a vocation. Why do these veteran homeschool parents love being a consultant? We asked, and they answered.

We are happy to announce our winners for the first annual MODG Essay Contest!