Recent News and Articles

Laura Berquist is presenting at a virtual Catholic Homeschool conference this week, details at the link!

by Michaela Berquist

Michaela Berquist shares the benefits we receive when studying the Medieval period.

Laura Berquist gives our community some information on a wonderful resource about the Catholic understanding of the family! (Updated with recording link)

by Laura Berquist

Laura shares tips for managing the school day while teaching multiple children.

Click here for information on a free, online Catholic Homeschool Conference that Laura Berquist will be speaking at!

The links for our May 30th events are now available!

Our families are invited to join Benedictine College Homeschool Outreach Coordinator (and former MODG Mom!) Megan Fassero for a webinar on making the transition to college, what habits to build, and words of wisdom from previously homeschooled students who are thriving in college.

by Mary Rose Gallipeau

MODG graduate Mary Rose Gallipeau ('16) shares her thoughts on the key differences between homeschooling and 'crisis schooling'.

President Paul Lazenby writes to our families about how to help those in our community struggling financially.

Our prayer intentions for those in our community who have been particularly affected by the current pandemic.