Recent News and Articles

We are very proud to display the results of our Spring 2018 Art Contest. Over 350 students submitted work in a variety of methods. Enjoy browsing these beautiful submissions! You can also view results from our yearly contests for the past decade!

MODG has compiled a set of 76 Latin & Greek root cards to help students build a Latin (and English) vocabulary, and exercise the student’s memory. Available in our bookstore

We are so proud of to have 3 of the National Awards Recipients for the CLT Exam from Classic Learning Initiatives!  Congrats to Mary Aumen, Gwynith Hayden, and Samuel Milliken!  This honor means that these students are in the top 1% of the thousands of students taking it nationally, and as a result they all receive $2,500 scholarships to the CLT partner school of their choosing.  To see their favorite authors, quotes, and where they plan to attend college!

We are pleased to announce our new Second Grade Art Book is now available for purchase in our bookstore. The paintings in this 56 page text are accompanied by questions to help the child observe and appreciate art. The activities include matching games, guessing games, and other activities to achieve the formation goals of observation and memorization. The text can be used for many years.

Laura offers a series of pre-recorded parent classes on the different stages of formation. These classes provide an excellent overview of the MODG methodology and can be a great way to begin planning for the new school year. Laura's curriculum classes provide valuable information about methodology and course content at each grade level. These classes are free for enrolled families.

by Laura Berquist

In my last article I talked about various techniques that can help to motivate our home schooling children to learn. Eventually, of course, our students should be motivated by knowledge itself, or by the end to which knowledge is ordered, God Himself, but often as he moves to that goal, there are intermediate steps. I mentioned some of the techniques involving material rewards, like stickers, and some involving immaterial reward, like praise. The effectiveness of this last motivation depends on something else, however.

Laura Berquist & Margaret Hayden will be speaking at Christ the King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, MI on March 17th. Early registration: $15.00 Late registration (after March 3rd): $20.00. Register here. Contact Denise (248-345-9086) with questions. 

by Laura Berquist

Motivation is a very important consideration in teaching, whether one is teaching in a home school setting, or in any other  setting. A teacher can only teach. The student has to do the learning. If the student is not motivated to learn, the best teacher in the world can’t teach him.

by Laura Berquist

I home schooled my own children for many years. As a home schooling mother, I have been concerned about motivation for all of those years. In 1995 I started Mother of Divine Grace School, which now has over 4600 students enrolled. I have, of course, had even more opportunities to think about motivation since then.

Donald Daniels (MODG dad) mentors St Monica's Rocketry club, a NASA Student Launch team that includes 2 MODG students (in a team of 11 homeschool members). They have been asked by NASA to participate in the NASA Student Launch in April 2018. In preparation for this they will be doing a Critical Design Review live with NASA on January 29th. They took 12th place at the Team America Rocketry Challenge in May (the first team in Connecticut to do so!).