Syllabi and Teacher Planners

Mother of Divine Grace School recommends Laura Berquist's syllabi (which contain detailed daily lesson plans) for Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

MODG is now selling copies of our syllabi, as well as many of the essential and recommended supplemental texts used in our syllabi. Both enrolled and non-enrolled families can purchase these items from MODG's online bookstore. Enrolled families receive a discount on syllabi and books, but must log-in to their family account in order to get the discount.

In addition to the syllabi Laura Berquist has compiled some other resources for homeschoolers. The K-12 Rubrics Charts contain information and tips for grading. These charts provide an overview of the skills to be accomplished in each grade; they also provide an account of what would constitute A, B & C level work. The Learning Objectives provide the overall goals for each grade level as well as more detailed, subject-oriented goals which are linked to MODG's Estimated School-wide Learning Results. The Reasons We Use These Specific Texts contain a list of the primary texts along with Laura's explanation of why the particular texts were chosen with regard to content and skills. These resources are found in newer versions of the syllabi, but complete sets for K-12 can also be purchased separately.

The most recent copyright of pulished syllabi are noted below. Please note that MODG has had more than one system for syllabus copyrights.

From 2003-2008 the Mother of Divine Grace School syllabi were listed under their initial or revised copyright dates, but have had a new "Printed in" date issued each year. This date was designed to distinguish between syllabi of varying years thereby improving consultant-family dialogue regarding the syllabi. Every syllabus received a new "Printed in" date each year, regardless of changes, so many syllabi often received a new "Printed in" date even though there had been no changes to the syllabus that year.

In 2008 in order to help families and to better communicate changes in the syllabi, Laura Berquist changed her copyright notation system. From 2008 to the present, when Laura issues a new version of a syllabus it will be listed under a new copyright year, for example © 2008. Laura Berquist will only change the copyright date of a syllabus when changes have been made to that syllabus. Thus, the 2008 copyright date may stand for many years as the newest version, as long as no changes have been made to the syllabus. When a new copyright edition of a syllabus becomes available we will note that here on our website.

Beginning in 2014, when minor typographical changes are made to a syllabus a "printed in" month and year has been added to the second page of the syllabus.

Grade School Syllabi & Teacher Planners
Religion Syllabi
Title Copyright Price
Faith & Morality Syllabus © 2011 $25.00
Sacraments & Apologetics Syllabus © 2011 $25.00
Bible Study Syllabus © 2011 $25.00
Catholic Doctrine Syllabus © 2011 $25.00
History, Literature & Government Syllabi
Science Syllabi & Teacher's Manuals
Mathematics Syllabi
Grammar Syllabi & Teacher's Manuals
Latin Syllabi & Resources
Other Resources

The support from my consultant is amazing! She helps me stay focused on the goal of raising intelligent, Godly children. I have really enjoyed the support through the TA/TD program. It has provided the necessary guidance for my children where I can not.